Thursday, December 13, 2012

The investigative trip to begin!

Two days ago I returned from my first trip to Mechhi and I still feel like sleeping-eating-doing nothing. Not the trip itself was so exhausting, but the way back, which turned to be not a 40 min flight, but 3 day long drive in different vehicles, expanding my understanding of physical discomfort, and staying in very doubtful hotels.
But I start from the very beginning.
On 28th of November I was in the middle of my room, getting desperate with all the things to sort; those, to leave, those, to take with me. On the day of my departure to Ilam I would also leave my wonderful apartment. Remembering preparations before the trip which were done last year together with I was surprised by how careless I am this time – no emergency letters, no planned route, no understanding who am I going to meet or where I am going to go. My research assistant was supposed to join me in 3 days in Ilam and then we would start our trip to….?
Being close to Himalayas
On the planned day fearless me equipped with trekking+research+living items, long earrings, necklace and bangles (the very necessary item describing my marital status; I went to villages as a married woman) passed through annoying check-in after having a small fight with those “please, leave some tips” and waited for the flight to Bhadrapur.  
In fact, I was not thinking of the high risk of getting crashed (happens quite often here), rather the possibility of getting motion sickness due to turbulence. Although none of these happened-the flight was smooth and breathtaking. Flying in parallel with Himalayas and seeing the highest peaks of our magnificent world… Well, you must see it to understand.

Arriving at local airport in Bhadrapur

The impression was killed during the 5 hour drive in jeep, feeling sick and praying for those road curves to be over. However, nothing lasts forever, even if it feels like. Ilam met me with finally clean air, friendly people and, most important, two Danish girls and their friends. It is not often I go to unknown place and someone meets me; but this time I enjoyed their hospitality fully. Maybe due to that reason Ilam still stays in my mind as a place to return.  

Centre of Ilam 

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