Monday, April 8, 2013

24_Into the milky way

Thunder was slowly becoming weaker and weaker and finally even large drops of heavy rain stopped. It was still very pleasant to sit next to the kitchen fire and enjoy the warmth and coziness comparing to the humidity and cold outside. I haven’t written anything and I haven’t contacted anyone for a while-in this place there was no network and in some other places also no possibility to charge a computer. Honestly, I even did not want. Being remote, being not accessible, living with the sun and damn not caring about politics, world hunger and Danish taxes gave the lightness for my days and nights.
The tiredness of a day finally told me to stand up from my cross legged position and to go to sleep. It was just 21 o’clock, but here I got used to go to bed early. In the village where western entertainment options are not available my body adapted to the rhythm of nature quite fast-waking up before 6 and going to sleep not later than 22.
That was a first thunder day and soon after it stopped the weather was refreshing and energising, it felt like the air is inviting for some action despite the darkness. Something was different and intuitively I looked up to seek for the reason of this change.
The sky.
The crystal clear night sky was as beautiful as I have never seen in my life. People say we should go to north to observe stars, but since yesterday I say-go to Himalayas. The sky was full of small and big stars and it seemed that there is not a single place without a star. The Milky Way was so prominent and huge just like the earth does not exist, just like this is the only reality to live.
I usually think that no matter where I go the sky is always the same and it somehow symbolizes the sameness of my world. Not this time. The combination of stars clearly resembled letters and I was a witness of something very sacred and intimate… religious scripts from the God? I called my friend and we both were starring up trying to put in words our feelings.
-The falling star! – we both shouted at the same time.
-Wish that you want to finish your PhD!
-Too late…-I whispered. How could I think of a wish? I was just happy that moment.
Happy without reasons, demands, wishes, thoughts of future, thought of others or myself-actually, no thoughts at all. Maybe that’s the problem that we usually try to achieve happiness? But the happiness has been always there

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