Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From homeless to the palace

Probably my life and the blog would not be so interesting if I didn’t have a special talent to make my life…hmmm ”unsmooth”. Last time I managed to get into a plane together with an aggressive mad person (read the blog “fieldstudyinnepal”), so this time I do not complain at all.
I just forgot my phone. Being a person who likes to plan and pack everything systematically and very well it came as a shock and feeling of helplessness. Already in the airport I have realized that actually my phone is at my home, because I took it out from the travel kit to answer the person calling just before my leave… and I never put the phone back in the back. Instantaneously my eyes were filled with tears of being desperate and imagining everything what usually happens to me – unplanned landings, delayed baggage and flights, motion sicknesses and ambulances next to the plane… And that’s all- without a phone?! I gave a heartbreaking look to Kardi and stepped into “non-Eu” area, running for the boarding, which have already started. Later I was regretting a lot for my inability to cope with my fears and to transfer them to another person. But at that time I just felt like a small girl going to the jungle. Such a western phone dependency!

Anyway, I was flying with nice Qatar Airways and watching several new movie premieres on my private screen, then sleeping like a log on the chair in peaceful oasis (Doha’s airport lounge) and flying again to Kathmandu. After staying for 2 hours in visa issuing queue in Kathmandu airport I was very happy to finally arrive in my hotel. Though not so happy to find out, that there are some “small problems” with my room. Due to whatever miscommunication problems my room was booked, so I needed to go to another “not so nice” room with shared facilities. Well, it is still so much better than my sleeping place in the field. And actually it was. Besides, I had a chance to move to the better place after 2 days. After 2 days I came to check about my moving and found out that I MUST move out from the hotel, because the hotel doesn’t have the room for my for next 6 days of workshop.

Apparently my curse of being homeless doesn’t leave me.

Being so much used to be “on the move” I realized the annoying part of this at most only after I shared my trouble with the rest of the group and receiving lot of support.
So I packed my bags next morning and left them at the reception hoping not to be left on the street.
And so I wasn’t. A call from a right person to a right person made me hear promise that a manager “will try to do something tomorrow”.
Tonight I sleep in the best room of the hotel, I guess. I think it is of the size of my flat in Copenhagen, which I share with my friend  I don’t have hopes for being allowed to stay here further, but at least today I’m the queen in this palace.

By the way, my problem with the phone is also to be solved. My Austrian friend (currently staying in Ktm) promised me to help with that in following days.

I’m going local. I’m going networking.

P.S. I’ ve just discovered cockroaches of the mouse size in my palace. But I’m not taking my “queen” title for tonight anyway

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